We Love to Hear From Our Community!

Thanks for taking the time to reach out! We are always ready to hear your stories and help answer you questions. If we don’t have answers we will do our best to steer you towards a source that will.


If you are a TGBer with questions about your training, workout abbreviations, term clarification, getting started, etc. there is a FAQ section being compiled here. If you can not find the answer to your conundrum please send along your inquires using the form below.

Online Log Support:

As a TGB client your online log is maintained by Training Peaks. If you are having technical issues with this application, would like to better utilize it, or need help transferring workouts from your training device to the log, please check out the T.P. support archive found here, http://support.trainingpeaks.com/. They also offer free webinars on various topics including how to best utilize the log’s features. For a schedule of these webinars check out, http://support.trainingpeaks.com/athlete-edition/webinar-schedule.aspx.

Events & Product Reviews:

TGB is always open for making new connections. We love learning about the teams and clubs that are out there, what they are up to, and presenting the experiences and knowledge we have accumulated. Please get in touch to discuss scheduling opportunities and topic options.

Similarly TGB is available for testing out new products or services that will be of interest, or benefit to our clientele and readers.

Thanks for getting in touch!